Less than 10km from Dubrovnik, a short bus ride away from tourism, party boats, and the well travelled path is... Kupari: A small bay with a picturesque beach surrounded by abandoned and decaying hotels.

The first hotel was developed in the 1920s when a tile factory owner realised the potential of this bay's tourism potential, the rest of the hotels followed around the 1960s as the area became popular with Yugoslav military officers and their families. Nearby is even 1 of 34 villas former Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito used to have, but that is guarded by a small military booth and military signs.

Then during the 1990s the Balkan Wars were not kind to these hotels, attacked and used by various armies until the 2000s when they were abandoned for good.

Today all hotels in this bay (Grand, Kupari, Goričina, Goričine II, and Pelegrin) are abandoned. Free for you to wander up off the beach into the husks of concrete, rubble, and overgrowth to explore. Even if you have to climb improvised stairs made from old doors, finding roof access is easy in most hotels and provides the best view of next hotel over.

Hotel Goričina

Grand Hotel

Hotel Pelegin

Hotel Kupari